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Design and Implementation of Shoe Company Publicity Website Based on PHP


As more and more consumers shop and consult through the internet, shoe companies are also actively using promotional websites to promote products and brands. With the popularization of mobile devices and the rapid development of mobile internet, more and more consumers are accessing shoe company promotional websites through mobile devices. Therefore, shoe companies have begun to pay more attention to mobile adaptation and optimization on their promotional websites, in order to enhance the experience of mobile users.

The system is written in the PHP programming language, with ThinkPHP as the development tool and MySQL database management system for data management. Tomcat acts as a server responsible for receiving requests from front-end users. Before implementing a shoe company promotional website, it is necessary to conduct requirement analysis and research on the system, design the corresponding overall architecture, and test the system after developing and implementing the shoe company promotional website. The system has main functions such as viewing company products, collecting products, purchasing products, leaving messages, user management, order management, and company product information management. The implementation of a shoe company's promotional website can provide consumers with more brand and product information, thereby helping them better understand the company's products and brand. Through websites, shoe companies can convey their brand image and product features to a wider consumer group, thereby increasing brand awareness. After testing and use, the interface effect of the shoe company's promotional website is simple and generous, while paying attention to design details, highlighting the brand image and product characteristics, and providing a good user experience.

Keywords:PHP ;ThinkPHP ; MySQL

目  录

摘  要


第1 章绪论

1.1 课题背景与研究意义

1.2 课题研究现状

1.3 论文结构

第2章 开发技术与开发工具

2.1 MVC模式

2.2 MySQL数据库

2.3 PHP


第3章 系统分析

3.1 可行性分析

3.2 需求分析


第4章 系统设计

4.1 系统架构设计

4.2 数据库设计


第5章 系统实现

5.1 用户注册登录

5.2 用户管理

5.3 公司产品信息管理


5.5 合作咨询管理

5.6 公司产品展示

5.7 公司产品详细信息

5.8 合作咨询展示


第6章 系统测试

6.1 测试目的

6.2 测试方法

6.3 测试用例

6.4 性能测试







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